Discouraged - Criminals & Junglers
Encouraged - Canines & Lucis Templers
Canines can be created for free for a limited time only!

The Code To Live By

This is the place to start your adventure. Inside you will find all the necessary information you will need to know in order to thrive here. There's a lot to know before getting started so make sure you read it all through before getting started.
There is always new announcements, contests and polls being posted and this is where they will be. There will also be important stats such as bans and ratios and such so keep an eye out for new decrees.

The Breath Of Life

Every character has to start somewhere. This is the place to go if you're ready to join in the festivities and create your character. Don't forget to check out the canon characters list as well as the wanted characters.
Once a character has been approved and given the breath of life, they will be moved here for safe keeping. Once your character is approved and moved here, you are ready to go crazy and cause some trouble.

The Right Connections

This is where you go in order to get the chaos flying. We ask that you do a thread for each character, not one for each member. Post in other threads to get your characters into some trouble. There's also a section for group plotting if you've got an idea you want others involved in too.
There are lots of characters that we want created for the sole purpose of plots. If you have a character you want to put up for someone else to adopt or create then this is the place to do that.
Lots of people like to keep track of their characters and all the threads, graphics and other odds and ends they might have. Here you can create a tracker for your characters in order to keep things organized and all in one place.

The City Of Naxorus

The palace sits on top of a hill overlooking the rest of the city and jungle. The stone walls of the palace have become entwined with jungle vines and vegetation making it part of the jungle. The exterior walls are quite steep and a challenge to breech.
Going down the main path that leads away from the palace, on the left side of the road is where the upper class housing is located. These are the wealthier cats that visit the palace at times and have money or come from money. These houses are in good condition and commonly made of stone. These are the cats that normally have nice things and luxuries.
The middle of the city, the Agora is the marketplace of Naxorus. It is a large, open, paved circular area with a large fountain in the middle. The circle is lined with shops and stands that sell all sorts of things from armor, medicines, herbs, meat, jewelry and clothing. Alleys and smaller streets lead off of this central place.
The smaller streets that lead off of the Agora lead to the middle class housing. This is where the majority of the population lives and it is modest housing with a few luxuries. Merchants, citizens and others live here with their families. These housing areas are on the outskirts of the Agora.
The smaller streets that lead down off of the Agora lead to the low class housing. This is usually where the criminals or the poor live. The houses are crumbling and most are half way falling down. There aren't usually many luxuries in these houses. These cats are less protected as they live on the edge of the city and are close to the jungle.

The Naxorus Outskirts

The alleys that lead off of the lower part of the Agora open up on the black market of the city. The pubs and bars are down in this area as are the shady characters and criminals looking to sell illegal items. It can be a dangerous place to go if one doesn't know how to handle themselves. It is almost like a completely different world down here and dark magic is commonly practiced down here even though practicing dark magic is against the law.
While the city is mostly cleared of too many trees and especially open up towards the palace, the jungle still surrounds the city and is both a blessing and a danger. There are beasts that wander in the jungle that can kill a you without blinking but there is also prey animals that are needed to survive. Some wild animals live in the jungle and refuse the more civilized life of the city and for the most part they are left alone as long as they don’t interfere with the lives of the cats in the city.
A place that is clean of all evil, Katharos Pools isn't far from the low class housing. It is in the jungle and is a common place for cats to go to heal and to bathe. The place has a crystal clear pool that winds through marble structures. It is in a clearing in the jungle and is patrolled by the guards which keep it safe. Cubs like to play in the shallow end of the pool while mothers look on. It is also a source of clean water for all of the cats that live in the city.
Deep in the jungle is where the Ektos Cavern lies with its treasure of stones safe inside. This is where the stones are retrieved for offspring. It is a sacred place with a deep source of magic that is not to be tampered with. There have been those that have tried to take more than they are allowed and terrible things have been said to happen to them. It is both a beautiful and dangerous place and isn't commonly journeyed to unless one is going to retrieve a stone for their new family member.

The Lucis Temple

Once you climb the exterior of the temple that is made up of stairs, you will reach the top level and entrance of the temple. This is a good sized room that has large openings on two sides. There is a sacred fountain in the middle of the room that always runs with crystal clear water and has a pool of oil on top that is always burning with a flame. This serves as a beacon for those that are wandering. The room is open and used for training on how to use and master powers.
This level is where all of the sleeping quarters, food, and other things that are needed to feed and care for those that come to the temple in need of food, shelter, medical help and help learning how to control and master their abilities. On the outside edges of the level is where the rooms are. Most of the rooms are pretty large and are used for multiple cats while others are used for storage or are smaller, individual rooms.
This is a very large, open room. There are cushions scattered about for reading on and candles for light. On all the walls are all sorts of books. They are about different abilities that have been discovered, steps on how to use certain abilities as well as the origin of the stones and any other history that might be known about the stones. The purpose of the library is to educate and the inhabitants of the temple will never stop looking for ways to keep the balance in the world.
The bottom level of the temple is completely open with a large glowing stone in the middle of the room. The higher ups are the only ones allowed down there and they study the large stone to get answers about it and the small stones they all wear. There is also an escape tunnel that leads out of the temple though it's only used for emergencies.

The Kyon Lands

A large opening in the side of a rocky outcrop opens up into a large den used by the pack that roams Kyon. Inside there is a high ledge where the alpha of the back has their den and can also come out and address the rest of the pack. In the middle of the circular room it is pretty open, a few large rocks scattered about. And dens are built into the walls with holes in the ceiling to let in air and light.
A large, less dense part of the jungle is where hunting commonly takes place. More herd prey animals come here as do smaller prey. It is a more open area that allows a long range of view. The pack may all come out in good weather to practice their fighting and hunting skills as well to let the cubs play under the watchful supervision of the rest of the pack.
Commonly home to those that are no longer allowed to live among the pack, this wide, less dense section of the jungle is as far away from everything as you can get. Canines are the ones who are known to live out here but there have been some felines who call it home as well. It's for those that aren't allowed in the pack or just choose the loner life instead.

Come Forth Wanderers

Everybody likes to have a little fun so this area is for members to post anything they want and talk about anything they want. The absence board will also be here if you may need it. Keep it nice and respectful of course though. No causing trouble.
If you're looking to spread the word about your site then this is the place to go. Post your advertisement here in the appropriate board and we will sort it. Please only post your ad once. Affiliates are also open.
Deleting all the creative things you guys create isn't our thing so any dead threads, characters, inactive threads, etc. will be moved here for safe keeping. That way you can go back and read your old threads or bring back reopened requests.

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Sparkle: Join sparkledog.boards.net today and start your very own adventure! May 8, 2018 20:31:25 GMT -5
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hottykeke: i need help on how to b a wolf i just started someone plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 25, 2016 15:41:53 GMT -5
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Niqolairi: *lobs feels at Nymeria* Oct 22, 2015 21:11:46 GMT -5
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Larue Katsaros: Asra get post~ Oct 13, 2015 7:35:49 GMT -5
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Callaminta Azalea: Tag for Odezca (down the rabbit hole) Oct 8, 2015 11:52:36 GMT -5
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Callaminta Azalea: Tag for Hyro Oct 8, 2015 11:22:16 GMT -5
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The Nameless: Tag for Tejas [True despair] Oct 4, 2015 9:38:21 GMT -5
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The Nameless: Tag for Nayva [this time it's different] Oct 4, 2015 9:37:49 GMT -5
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Nymeria Valantis: Tag for Aloyoshenka (can't fight this feeling) Sept 30, 2015 21:12:20 GMT -5
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aloyoshenka: tag for nymeria [ cant fight this feeling ] Sept 28, 2015 22:54:12 GMT -5
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Asra Mithra: Tag for Larue (my own boss) Sept 24, 2015 22:39:35 GMT -5
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Nymeria Valantis: Tag for Alo (can't fight this feeling) Sept 24, 2015 22:24:12 GMT -5
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