We are an advanced feline and canine rp site that takes place in the lost jungles of Vikos. The life forces of the canines and felines living here are tied to their soul stones. With their soul stone, they are able to grow in power and strength. Without it, they will weaken and die. Many abilities and powers can be acquired from the soul stones. How powerful you get, is up to you though.
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♔ Updates ♔
Click Atlas to Make Her Grow
Atlas Says - "There have been lots of new items added to the store so check those out. There are also trait awards that everyone should qualify for and more can be earned as you rp so see which ones you can get!"
♔ Census ♔
Stats Of The Lands
lucis temple
vikos jungle
♔ Weather ♔
8/1/15 - 9/1/15
FALL - The temperature is starting to fall a bit as it starts to cool off. The sun isn't as hot and the relief from the heat is much needed.
Soul Stones was created by Nala. The skin was created by Dorothia @ Adoxography. The tabbed sidebar was created by kimset of RPG D'. Plug ins were made by their respective PB member. All other character info belongs to their rightful owner. Mini profile belongs to Leif. Tiger image belongs to chunga-stock. Jungle image belongs to foolishsunsets. Pixels belong to Ails.
Alright guys, so the first set of canons have all been taken which is awesome! Definitely didn't expect them to go that fast but I'm not complaining at all. So I've been working on some more canons to put up that will also be higher ranked individuals. I also have the details of the canines and their history as well as some new lands for them to inhabit in the works and I'm hoping to get all of that posted up sometime tomorrow.
More feline canons have been posted as have the new canine canons however the canines will not be open until I get all of the new canine information posted and ready to go so keep an eye out for the canines to become active sometime tomorrow.
The site is off to a great start! I'm so happy to have all of you here and I look forward to the site getting even bigger!
Alright guys, so I found a better, prettier and more organized character application template today that I want to use from here on out. I spent lots of time going through all of the already accepted character applications and switching them over to the new application template.
Don't panic, any and all information you put on your original character application was transferred to the new application.
Feel free to look over your accepted character application(s) and make sure everything looks correct. You can still make changes and such to them whenever you'd like
Thanks and sorry for being a pain.
xo Nala
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Sparkle: Join sparkledog.boards.net today and start your very own adventure!
May 8, 2018 20:31:25 GMT -5
hottykeke: i need help on how to b a wolf i just started someone plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 25, 2016 15:41:53 GMT -5
Niqolairi: *lobs feels at Nymeria*
Oct 22, 2015 21:11:46 GMT -5